Frank … A Letter Home

Frank's Letter Home
I find it interesting about the rumors of my uncle being sent to South America … I do not recall ever hearing of this and have no idea why. Even more interesting are his comments regarding flight school … because I do know that he became a pilot of jets during WWII and by the time of the Korean War he was flying helicopters. Regarding the referred storm … I have Googled it and found nothing with an initial search. One last comment … I don’t know who Slug is, but it’s a cool nickname.

Frank's Letter Home - Page 2
I find it interesting that Marines sat by the river and fish … I guess it was a way to relax. I know growing up around my 8 tall, handsome uncles … that they liked the women … and the women liked them. But I find find it a bit funny that my 21 year old uncle would be writing to his mother about such things.
Frank's Letter Home - Page 3
When I was a girl growing up in Southern California Uncle Frank would come and stay with us and he would sit on our patio with one of those foil sun catchers to get & keep his face tanned. I guess once a sun worshiper, always a sun worshiper.
Frank's Letter Home - Note to Lucille
First of all, I love that he wrote to his sister(s) separately. Second, it is swell to find out that my mother and her sisters were “American Beauties” whom the Marines at Quantico were queued up to meet. I will have to remember to ask Aunt Lucy if she ever heard from Charley. The most fascinating part of this page of the letter are the comments related to Bill Huntley and Bernice … that she is swell, but too young for him … yet I know that they began a correspondence, he did propose to her when she was still 16 … and, of course, they did marry within 3 years.
Frank's Letter Home - More to Lucille
More talk about girls … and a Spanish closing – how exotic!