Bill’s Second Letter


Brown Field - Page 1

Brown Field - Page 2
Unfortunately, this version of page 2 the last line is cut off … One can tell that it says:  “have fun together.  However, I don’t”….
Brown Field - Page 3
Unfortunately, page 3 also has the last line is cut off … and even more unfortunately … one can not tell what it says.  We can only imagine what he said after, “We’ll have to … ”  He was writing of driving … Was he saying, “We’ll have to teach you to drive.”?
Brown Field - Page 4
Bill asks Bernice if her birthday is in August … Well, her birthday was the 24th of June. He also queried regarding her middle name … which was Corrine , but after she married she replaced it with her maiden name … making Parks her middle name for the rest of her life.
Brown Field - Back of Envelope
Looks like a return address, but I believe it is really a forwarding address … I think my mother was visiting family in Shippensburg.

Brown Field - Front of Envelope