
Postcard from Goof

Goof Text

I found this postcard in the trunk with the letters and cards sent to my mother by her family and by Bill Huntley … I have no idea who Richard Snyder is … I do not remember hearing his name as a possible suitor …. and I have not looked in Mom’s Comus (or yearbook) from Allentown High to see if he was in her class at school.  He has a certain urgency in his card.  September 20th was a Friday … So, I assume that he wanted to meet her at the movies on Saturday night … I do not know, but I can only assume that his plea went unanswered.  I have no idea where he was leaving for or why.  I think it a bit naive to think that sending a postcard to a girl with a large family that no one would see it!  Not to mention that a gal could get the card in a day and be ready for a date that same evening!  Today, I spoke with Aunt Lucy … I asked her about Richard Snyder, but she said he was not one of mom’s beaus … like Frankie Cartis was.  She said she was mom’s confidant and vice versa … and she does not know who Richard was.