From Frank … Dec. 3-1940

I grew up knowing that my Uncle Frank was my dad’s best friend … at least his adult BF. I knew that he was the connection point for my parents, but I never realized that meant he was a communication go-between for them … let alone, had to share his fudge! Frank often mentions the cold in Quantico … I guess Global Warming has had an effect.

Continue reading From Frank … Dec. 3-1940

Bill Horseback Riding

Bill Horseback Riding

In a couple of letters my dad mentions loving to go horseback riding … here is an early photo of him doing just that.  Too bad the horse’s nose is cut off … but those were the days when you could not immediately see your photo on either your phone screen or the back of your camera display … you had to wait days, weeks or even months until your roll of 12 or 24 or 36 photos was all exposed and you took it in to the drug store to be developed and then finally got to see what you captured.

Frank: November 6, 1940

Frank: November 6, 1940 - Page 1
Love the election comments! The presidential election was held on November 5, 1940. Franklin D. Roosevelt, the Democratic candidate, won 449 electoral votes; Wendell L. Willkie, the Republican candidate, won 82; Norman Thomas, the Socialist, and Roger W. Babson, the Prohibition, candidates won no electoral votes. FDR was elected to his third term as US President … the only man to ever do so.
Frank: November 6, 1940 - Page 2
He wants a birthday list for the family … ironically his birthday was coming up on the 30th of November. Love his P.S. … Bill Huntley is going to drop in … Don’t worry until Thanksgiving … Was she worried? Why, I wonder?
Frank: November 6, 1940 - Harry
Why did Bernice still have the page addressed to Harry?
Frank: November 6, 1940 - Warren
Why did Bernice still have the page addressed to Warren?
Frank: November 6, 1940 - Back
Frank was using someone else’s envelope … I can’t quite tell whose.

Continue reading Frank: November 6, 1940

Parks Family Photo

I have been asked to provide some family history as in who’s who.  I will begin to deal with this as it relates to my mother, who after all is the main focus of the blog.  This family photo was the first of four Parks Family photos taken between 1947 and 1965.  The photo was taken in the living room of 1352 South 4th Street, Allentown, Pennsylvania which was the family home at the time.

Continue reading Parks Family Photo