From Frank … Dec. 3-1940

I grew up knowing that my Uncle Frank was my dad’s best friend … at least his adult BF. I knew that he was the connection point for my parents, but I never realized that meant he was a communication go-between for them … let alone, had to share his fudge! Frank often mentions the cold in Quantico … I guess Global Warming has had an effect.

Continue reading From Frank … Dec. 3-1940

Frank: November 6, 1940

Frank: November 6, 1940 - Page 1
Love the election comments! The presidential election was held on November 5, 1940. Franklin D. Roosevelt, the Democratic candidate, won 449 electoral votes; Wendell L. Willkie, the Republican candidate, won 82; Norman Thomas, the Socialist, and Roger W. Babson, the Prohibition, candidates won no electoral votes. FDR was elected to his third term as US President … the only man to ever do so.
Frank: November 6, 1940 - Page 2
He wants a birthday list for the family … ironically his birthday was coming up on the 30th of November. Love his P.S. … Bill Huntley is going to drop in … Don’t worry until Thanksgiving … Was she worried? Why, I wonder?
Frank: November 6, 1940 - Harry
Why did Bernice still have the page addressed to Harry?
Frank: November 6, 1940 - Warren
Why did Bernice still have the page addressed to Warren?
Frank: November 6, 1940 - Back
Frank was using someone else’s envelope … I can’t quite tell whose.

Continue reading Frank: November 6, 1940