Frank … A Letter Home

Frank's Letter Home
I find it interesting about the rumors of my uncle being sent to South America … I do not recall ever hearing of this and have no idea why. Even more interesting are his comments regarding flight school … because I do know that he became a pilot of jets during WWII and by the time of the Korean War he was flying helicopters. Regarding the referred storm … I have Googled it and found nothing with an initial search. One last comment … I don’t know who Slug is, but it’s a cool nickname.

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Bill and Frank

As I mentioned, my father and uncle joined the Marines on the same day in February of 1939.  They obviously became buddies and shared stories about their respective families.  Both came from rather large families – my mom being one of 11 and my dad one of 8.

They were stationed in Quantico, Virginia.  Being located only 4 or 5 hours away from my grandparent’s, Harry and Mabel Parks, home in Allentown, Pennsylvania I guess they discussed a visit by my dad.  And after a reasonable amount of time … or about two years … my dad and another Marine buddy, Charley Daniels, planned a visit in July with plans to have a double date with my mom and Aunt Lucy.

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