Bill Horseback Riding

Bill Horseback Riding

In a couple of letters my dad mentions loving to go horseback riding … here is an early photo of him doing just that.  Too bad the horse’s nose is cut off … but those were the days when you could not immediately see your photo on either your phone screen or the back of your camera display … you had to wait days, weeks or even months until your roll of 12 or 24 or 36 photos was all exposed and you took it in to the drug store to be developed and then finally got to see what you captured.

Bill and Frank

As I mentioned, my father and uncle joined the Marines on the same day in February of 1939.  They obviously became buddies and shared stories about their respective families.  Both came from rather large families – my mom being one of 11 and my dad one of 8.

They were stationed in Quantico, Virginia.  Being located only 4 or 5 hours away from my grandparent’s, Harry and Mabel Parks, home in Allentown, Pennsylvania I guess they discussed a visit by my dad.  And after a reasonable amount of time … or about two years … my dad and another Marine buddy, Charley Daniels, planned a visit in July with plans to have a double date with my mom and Aunt Lucy.

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